TOOL Spawn in TOOL Women & Inclusion • 11 mo. ago
Equality Initiatives in Ocean & Energy Sectors
As the ocean & energy industries step up the efforts for sustainable businesses for the future, women plays an instrumental role. Let´s take a look at some of the key diversity, equality & inclusion initiatives out there! Join the ones relevant for you as company or individual - or gain inspiration to bring it to your own community or bring your own project to our attention.

Industry Organisations & Pioneering Initiatives driving equality:
WISTA International - an international networking organization whose mission is to attract and support women, at the management level, in the maritime, trading and logistics sectors
Women Offshore Foundation propels women+ into meaningful careers through access to a worldwide community and professional development resources, while raising awareness amongst industry leaders and decision makers about issues affecting women on the water.
Maritime SheEO organise the world´s largest equality conference in maritime, and works to empower women in the maritime sector through advocacy, education, and collaboration. Dedicated to breaking down barriers, fostering leadership, and championing diversity to create a more inclusive and equitable maritime community.
WOMESA is the Association for women in the maritime sector in Eastern and Southern Africa
Women of Offshore Wind (WOW) - a global organisation dedicated to promoting gender diversity and inclusion in the offshore wind industry and its underpinning supply chain
AKTEA - The Network of Women in Fisheries and Aquaculture is the European network of fisherwomen’s organisations in Europe.
Women of Fisheries provide a forum where women in fisheries science can connect, share stories, ask questions, learn from each other, and work together to tackle some of the issues facing women in their field.
New Energy Women network is organized by H2Cluster, Norwegian Offshore Wind, Energy Valley, ABB and The Norwegian Solar Energy Cluster. The purpose is to increase the focus on diversity in the new energy markets of offshore wind, green/blue hydrogen, and solar energy.
Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine is a voluntary, self-dependent professional association of women working in an energy related spheres in Ukraine.
Women in Green Hydrogen is a network of passionate women working in the green hydrogen sector. Fueling a global network, and an international expert database of green hydrogen women.
Women in New Energy support and celebrate the critical role women have in shaping the future of the energy sector through networking, learning and collaboration.
Women in Renewable Energy (WIRE) Network is a professional development group for women working in energy in island nations.
Women in Energy, WONY is a non-profit association, which has been founded in Budapest in 2017. Our aim is to increase the proportion of women leaders in the energy sector, in Central and Southeastern Europe
Women for Change by ChangeNOW is a platform providing visibility and opportunities for changemakers throughout the world. Millions of women are leading the change but lack the necessary recognition within the global impact ecosystem.

Established Industry Actors pioneering new DEI initiatives:
WISTA Norway - #40by30 Pledge: WISTA Norway launched the ‘40 by 30’ Pledge March 2022, which will serve as a symbol of you and your company’s commitment to promote diversity in the maritime industry. Striving towards increasing the share of women in leading positions in your company to 40% by 2030 is a powerful measure and one that requires collaboration from all maritime stakeholders.
YoungShip International, with founding statutes driving diversity & inclusion. The only industry organisation with majority of female founders and board members world wide. Former local branch founders/co-founders continuing to driving diversity include Sinem Ogis (Turkey), ANSAM OKBANI (France)
Global Maritime Forum - All Aboard Alliance. New alliance to pave the way for a diverse, equitable, and inclusive maritime industry
IMO - The International Maritime Organisation: Women in Maritime (Gender programme). The IMO Assembly has adopted a resolution proclaiming an International Day for Women in Maritime, to be observed on 18 May every year
Maersk: In 2018, ITC SheTrades and Maersk launched a partnership to help female entrepreneurs who use logistics and shipping. The SheTrades initiative was established by the International Trade Centre to address the barriers women face to access economic opportunities. SheTrades works to connect millions of women entrepreneurs to markets while promoting their full participation in international trade. The initiative is a proud contributor to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Grieg. The SheWorthy program in Grieg Star is a women-only programme designed to give them the chance to share knowledge and experiences - and propose changes to the company.
Hafnia, Anglo American, RightShip, Rio Tinto, Thome Group & Wilh. Wilhelmsen. Maritime Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Innovation Lab 2022. The innovation lab is an open competition for interested participants (individuals, institutions, companies, students etc.) to submit their ideas on addressing DEI in the maritime industry

Industry Actors measuring equality with SHE Index
Check out how companies take a stand towards equality, download the SHE Index 2024 Report - or sign up with SHE Index (Free & paid plans - 10% discount through TOOL).
As partner of SHE Index, your company can track equality progress, learn from top players and compare results with peers.
Norwegian Shipowners Association, Grieg Maritime Group, Odfjell Management, Wallenius Wilhelmsen, Grieg Logistics, Hurtigruten / Hurtigruten Sjø, Wilhelmsen Group, Simon Møkster Shipping, Ugland Marine Services, Grieg Shipbrokers, Torvald Klaveness, MMC First Process, Solstad Offshore Mgt, Color Line, Solstad Offshore Shipowning, DOF ASA, DOF Subsea, Østensjø Operations, Equinor, Aibel, PGS, Petoro, Norwegian Shell, Aker BP, Aker Solutions, Sodexo, Lundin Norway, Vår Energy, Aker, Spectrum, Yara, Sandvik, Norsk Hydro, Borregaard, Alfa Laval, Nexans Sweden, Grieg Seafood, Aker Biomarine, Grieg Green, Ulstein Group, Mowi, TheFactory, Relyon Nutec, TrønderEnergi, Vardar, Stockholm Exergi, TGS, Montel, Greenstat, BKK, Wärtsila Norway, Nordpool, Höegh LNG, Deepocean Mgt, Fjordkraft, Statkraft, Scatec, Glitre Energi, RagnSells, Arendals Fossekompani, Karlskoga Energi & Miljö, Sparebank1 Sogn og Fjordane, KLP, Storebrand, Grieg Investor, Skagen, Trill Impact, DNB, Danske Bank, Sparebanken Vest, Sparebank 1 SR-Bank, Swedbank, Nordea Bank, Nordea Sweden, Sparebanken Møre, Nordea Denmark, DNB Sweden, FERD, Noredea Norway, ABG Sundal Collier, Folkeinvest, B2Holding, Formuesforvaltning, Pareto Asset Management, Kameo, Investinor, Nordea, Handelsbanken, Norvestor Advisory, Storebrand Insurance, SEB Norway, Sbank, Trill, Skuld, Gjensidige, Nordea Liv, SPP Pension & Försäkring Sweden, If, Gard, Norwegian Hull Club, Tryg, Cognite, Simplifai, Samsung Sweden, Microsoft Datacentre Norway, Startup Norway, Olaisen Blue, Siemens Norway, Wärtsila Finland - and many more.

#40by30 by WISTA Norway
WISTA Norway launched our ‘40 by 30’ Pledge to allow you and your company to show that you actively commit to promoting diversity in the maritime industry, most importantly are striving towards increasing the share of women in leading positions in your company to 40% within 2030 as one of your diversity measures. Sign the company pledge here, or reach out to WISTA Norway President Stine Mundal.
By signing the WISTA Norway 40 by 30 pledge, you commit to:
Create specific goals to increase diversity anchored by top management
Ensure that the diversity goals are measured, regularly followed up, and published on your company’s website
Strive towards 40% women in leading positions by 2030
By signing the WISTA Norway ’40 by 30’ Pledge, you are embracing diversity and the benefits it provides – vital resources for your company’s sustainability journey.
Industry Actors in WISTA Norway #40by30 Pledge
Grieg Maritime Group, Norwegian Maritime Authorities, Norwegian Shipowners Association, Nor-Shipping, Skuld, Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue, NorLed, Klaveness, Yara, Havila Voyages, Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Shipowning, Port of Oslo, BNP Paribas, Norwegian Hull Club, Norwegian Shipowners Association, Bergen Shipowner Association, Haugesund Shipowners Association, Stavanger Shipowners Association, Maritime Bergen, MH Partners, Solstad Offshore, Norwegian Offshore Wind, Vard, TOOL, Esgian, Fender Marine, Havila, Kongsberg Digital, Veer, Odfjell Drilling, Altera Infrastructure, Höegh LNG, The Norwegian Maritime Officers´ Association, Wallenius Wilhelmsen, Maritime CleanTech
All Aboard Alliance by Global Maritime Forum
The Alliance for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Maritime Industry sets out to prepare the maritime industry to deal with long-term challenges, including global talent shortage, strong DEI stakeholder expectations and need for increased innovation.
Their signatories commit to implement 5 All Aboard principles, engage in the community of action, and communicate the importance and opportunities of DEI.
Industry Actors in All Aboard Alliance