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Explore: Innovation Clusters & Hubs


NCE Maritime Cleantech

NCE Maritime CleanTech represents one of the world’s most complete maritime commercial hubs. Our cluster organisation uses the Norwegian maritime expertise, built up over generations, as a springboard for the development of new energy-efficient and environmental friendly technologies. We have more than 80 partners who cover every stage of the maritime value chain: from design and engineering companies, yards, shipping companies, equipment and service providers; to R&D, suppliers of renewable energy, Finance institutions, classification companies and the public sector. We focus on sustainable innovation projects with commercial potential, where representatives from different companies, institutions and sectors together develops and launches new clean maritime solutions. “NCE'​ is an acronym for Norwegian Centre of Expertise. This means that we are part of the government supported cluster programme.


ÅKP is Sunnmøre's leading provider of services for entrepreneurship, innovation and network building and facilitates one of the country's most complete incubator systems.

NCE iKuben

NCE iKuben is an interdisciplinary industrial cluster and national competence center. They work for sustainable exports and to strengthen the cluster companies competitiveness and innovation ability in global markets. NCE iKuben do this by focusing on digitalization, sustainability, and circular business models.

GCE Blue Maritime Cluster

GCE Blue Maritime has a clear goal to be the World's First Net-zero Maritime Cluster. It is Norway’s largest industrial cluster and represents the country’s highly internationalized shipbuilding and shipping industry. A total of 200 member companies employ 14,000 people with combined annual revenues of NOK 50 billion.

The Norwegian Solar Energy Cluster

The Norwegian Solar Energy Cluster consists of over a hundred partners in solar energy and energy systems who work together for increased growth.

The North West

The North West build relations, increase knowledge, share experiences and challenge established truths, with the goal of shaping the regions of the future. Private businesses, public sector, art&culture and HE-sector.

Digicat Katapult

Digicat offer test facilities, expertise and networks for virtual prototyping and development of digital twins for all industries. Digicat also offers the development process, from the idea is conceived and out to the product's lifetime. They also offer education, training and seminars in collaboration with educational institutions.

GCE Ocean Technology

GCE Ocean Technology strengthens the innovation and internationalisation of its Norwegian ocean technology cluster. The clusters main goal is to increase the cluster’s competitiveness and global market share and take a leading position in sustainable utilisation of ocean resources.

The cluster develops and supplies innovative ocean technology within a wide range of applications, including subsea oil and gas production, marine renewable energy production, marine food production and exploration of marine mineral resources.

Ocean Autonomy Cluster

The Ocean Autonomy Cluster is Norway’s leading hub for expertise on ocean autonomy. Consisting of both companies and R&D institutions, the cluster combines research and technological development, suppliers of technology, components and systems, as well as forward-leaning investors. Through cooperation, the cluster’s participants pursue safer, more efficient and precise operations at sea, contributing to a more sustainable use of the world’s oceans.

Arena H2 Cluster

H2Cluster is The Norwegian Hydrogen Cluster is a national cluster. Their aim is to strengthen the position for our partners by facilitating collaboration. They are working on several projects that aims to accelerate the development of new business opportunities within the hydrogen industry.

NCE Blue Legasea

NCE Blue Legasea will be a catalyst for unique cross-sectoral cooperation, to strengthen value creation and competitiveness for the member companies and the fishing nation Norway. Through radical innovations in catching, fishing and processing technology, as well as increasing the value of marine products, Blue Legasea will lift one of Norway's most important export industries.

Norwegian Catapult Centre

The Norwegian Catapult Centre have adapted various offerings to the company's special needs - whether the goal is to optimize a function or to take the innovation project all the way from concept to product being ready for market introduction. The delivery can consist of a few hours of meeting, problem solving in a workshop, smaller tests on a lab scale, or longer runs over weeks or months with the development of a prototype and testing.

Nordic Edge

Nordic Edge aims to be the Smart City accelerator that puts the Nordics on the global map as a vibrant and vital region where innovative solutions for a smarter, safer, greener and better world are fostered. Our vision is Smart with a Heart. As the official Norwegian innovation cluster on smarter cities and communities, Nordic Edge is in the perfect position to bridge mutually beneficial collaborations across geographical borders and between the public sector, private companies, and academia. Nordic Edge Expo is the largest Smart City event in the Nordics. Established in 2015, Nordic Edge Expo brings together investors, decision-makers, start-ups and leading tech companies at a three-day conference and exhibition. The next Nordic Edge Expo will be held September 22–24, 2020, in Stavanger Forum, Norway. Nordic Edge International co-hosts Smart City conferences further afield, with events in China and the US.

Marine Recycling Cluster

'MRC (Marine Recycling Cluster) is a Group of cooperating companies within a wide range of operations, from drone surveillance and marine bio-research to clean-up operations and waste processing. We are developing a complete value chain within marine clean-up and waste handling for customers – governments, organizations and private companies.'

Circular Packaging Cluster

Circular Packaging Cluster is a cross-industrial collaboration aiming at creating the world’s most efficient and circular packaging value chain.

North America


Canada’s Ocean Supercluster 

An industry-led, national ocean cluster that’s growing the ocean economy in a digital, sustainable, and inclusive way. Bringing together startups, scaleups, as well as mature organizations from coast-to-coast-to-coast across the fishery, aquaculture, bioresources, offshore resources, marine renewables, defence, shipping and ocean technology, the cluster is fostering new partnerships and innovative projects built on collaboration between industry, research, not-for-profits, investors, and government. Together with members and partners, the Ocean Supercluster is accelerating the development and commercialization of globally-relevant ocean solutions, and advancing Canada’s position as a global leader in ocean.

COAST (Centre for Ocean Applied Sustainable Technologies)

As Canada's Pacific hub for the sustainable blue economy, COAST brings together people, ideas, businesses and communities to create an innovation hub and cluster where ideas are nurtured and applied.

COVE (Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship)

The Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE) brings together people, ideas, and resources that propel Canada’s marine technology sector.

Oceans Advance (Newfoundland / Labrador)

OceansAdvance is the voice of the Newfoundland and Labrador Ocean Technology Innovation Cluster.

United States

New England Ocean Cluster

The New England Ocean Cluster was proudly created in partnership with Þor Sigfusson, Founder and Chairman of the Iceland Ocean Cluster (IOC), headquartered in Reykjavik. Like our sister cluster, the NEOC's goal is to connect people within the ocean economy, with the goal of encouraging an innovative and sustainable approach to pursuing economic opportunity. Core to the NEOC’s efforts is the firmly held belief that new ideas must be transformational; they must inspire the development of unique products, they must improve existing services, and they must create new opportunities for exchange between communities and cultures. If we want society to look at the ocean differently and more holistically, then we must work together. This is the ‘rising tide’ mentality and a fundamental tenet of the New England Ocean Cluster.

Alaska Ocean Cluster

The future is blue... but we're not blue about the future. Inspired by success in other parts of the world, Bering Sea Fishermen's Association (BSFA) launched the Alaska Ocean Cluster to promote and enhance maritime industry growth and prosperity in Alaska. Modeled after clusters in Iceland, Ireland, Norway, and Canada, the cluster concept involves a coalition of private, public, and academic stakeholders forming around a base industry and, in the process, supporting both the industry and each other through economic transactions and circulated assets. The AOC acts as a hub of resources and opportunities to engage in Alaska's blue economy.

AltaSea at the Port of L.A.

AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles is dedicated to accelerating scientific collaboration, advancing an emerging blue economy through business innovation and job creation, and inspiring the next generation, all for a more sustainable, just and equitable world.

TMA BlueTech™ (San Diego)

TMA BlueTech™ is the non-profit industry association and cluster organizer for the San Diego ocean and water technologies community. Its tag line is Promoting BlueTech and Blue Jobs®.


The French Maritime Cluster (CMF)

The French Maritime Cluster (CMF) is an organization created in 2006 by and for professionals to bring together all maritime sectors. From industry to services, the CMF is made up of more than 430 members: companies of all sizes, competitiveness clusters, federations and associations, laboratories and research centers, schools and training organizations, communities and local economic players, as well as of the French Navy.

Pole Mer Mediterranee (France)

Pôle Mer Méditerranée is a sea innovation cluster located in South of France. Its ambition is to contribute to the sustainable development of the maritime and coastal economy in the Mediterranean basin, in Europe and across the globe. It stimulates and encourages innovation trough collaboration around 6 Strategic Business Areas:  • Defense, maritime safety and security • Naval and yachting • Marine mining and energy resources • Marine biological resources • Maine environment and coastal valorisation • Harbors, logistics and shipping In 2020, its network involves 446 members including majors companies, SMEs, research institute and academic. Pôle Mer Méditerranée provides a wide range of services to its members related to access to funding, interntaional activities, business growth, collaborative R&D projects

Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (France)

By developing the maritime economy through innovation, Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique (PMBA) is a Sea Innovation cluster that has a clear vision of the emerging maritime growth markets. Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique is deeply involved in the cutting edge R&D activities of the maritime sectors and especially in topics related to Earth Observation. With a current membership of more than 360, PMBA possesses a substantial knowledge of maritime RTD capabilities and is willing to share its experience in order to consolidate RTD and business capabilities.

Fórum Oceano (Portugal)

Fórum Oceano is the entity responsible for fostering the Portuguese Maritime Cluster, a Competitiveness and Internationalisation Cluster recognised by the Portuguese Government. The strategic objectives of Fórum Oceano are to enhance the cooperation between companies, research and development centres, higher education institutions, public administration and other entities; to promote the competitiveness in the main value chains that use the Sea and marine resources as central elements of its activity; and to contribute to economic growth, exports, employment, and to increase the relative importance of the Blue economy in the economy of the country.

Maritime Hellas (Greece)

Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, the Union of Greek Shipowners and the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce & Industry, jointly decided early in the summer of 2016 to promote in a systematic and coordinated manner the Greek Maritime Cluster and appointed NAFS, a non profit HCS subsidiary, to organise this website which aims to include members of all sectors of Greek Shipping and the Maritime Community as well all related fields. The structure and design of this site is meant to facilitate visitors. The level of entry and subscription fees has been set so as to cover the initial and maintenance cost of MARITIME HELLAS – navigate the Greek cluster. Any surplus will be directed towards Maritime Education.

Blue Italian Growth National Technology Cluster

The proponents of the 'Blue Italian Growth' National Technology Cluster (CTN-BIG) have an international economic dimension, scientific credibility, combined with a wealth of strategic collaborations that ensure a high potential for activating synergies and the correct strategic positioning on a scale international interventions of the Cluster. The scientific front of BIG is represented by a large group of Universities and by all the Public Research Bodies that in various capacities deal with the sea, while the industrial front sees the direct presence of many leading players (national and international) and with a large presence of SMEs and territorial aggregations, which also play an indispensable role of liaison with the Regions.

Federation of the Sea (Italy)

Federazione del Mare brings together most of the organizations of the sector: ITALIAN ACADEMY OF THE MERCHANT MARINE (training), AIDIM (maritime law), ANCIP (port work), ANIA (insurance), ASSONAVE (shipbuilding), ASSOPORTI (port authority), Assorimorchiatori (harbor towage), CETENA (naval research), Board of Captains (staff maritime), CONFINDUSTRIA NAUTICA (yachting), CONFITARMA(merchant shipping), FEDERAGENTI (maritime agency and brokerage), FEDEPILOTI (pilotage), FEDERPESCA (fishing navigation), FEDESPEDI (international transport), INAIL / exIPSEMA (maritime pension) and RINA (certification and classification). The Federation of the Sea aims at representing its common values, culture and interests.

Blue Cluster (Belgium)

The members of the Blue Cluster, a group of innovative private companies active in a wide range of sectors, have created an organisation dedicated to developing and promoting economic activities that are linked to the sea. They believe that enhanced cross-sector partnerships and better cooperation with knowledge centres and government institutions, will lead to new and innovative investments and projects in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (“BNS”) and beyond, which are the anticipated solutions for a number of global challenges. By fully incorporating cutting-edge small and medium sized companies in the cluster organisation and the innovation projects, the Blue Cluster ensures that they can accelerate their growth and leapfrog international competition. Apart from the infrastructural benefits, these solutions will create economic return for Flanders by creating new industries, opening up new markets for export and improving the competitiveness of the companies involved.

Belgian Offshore Cluster

The Belgian Offshore Cluster or BOC wants to be the aggregator to defend the interests of the Belgian offshore industry and to spread our profound knowledge and experience.

Blue Economy Cluster Builder (Scotland)

'The Blue Economy Cluster Builder will enable Scottish SMEs to take advantage of commercial, innovation and economic opportunities within the Blue Economy and boost innovation, both within Scotland, and internationally. As the foundation of a strong, sustainable, and diverse Blue Economy in Scotland, SMEs will be the focus of this programme. This Cluster Builder will provide an inclusive and free-of-charge service to ensure that Scotland’s SMEs are positioned to gain the optimum share of market growth and compete with other international Blue Economies.'

Iceland Ocean Cluster

Iceland Ocean Cluster started as a project at the University of Iceland but is now a full running company which facilitates networking opportunities for ocean related industries in Iceland and worldwide. Its partners consist of leaders in well established, as well as cutting edge firms in ocean related industries. The Iceland Ocean Cluster is located by the old harbor in the Ocean Cluster House at Grandagardur 16, 101 Reykjavík along with 60 other companies working in the marine industry. Through stronger networks and cooperation new opportunities for business and innovation arise.

The Spanish Maritime Cluster (CME)

The Spanish Maritime Cluster (CME) is the culmination of an old dream of our sector, consisting of grouping in a single organization all the industries, services and economic activities of our country related to the sea.

An institution that is supported by collaboration and cooperation between all those Spanish activities related to the sea.

The Canary Island Oceanic Platform (PLOCAN) 

Plataforma Oceánia de Canarias / The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) is a Research Infrastructure (RI) labeled by the ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructure) Spanish National Roadmap, co-funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Spanish government and the Canary Islands government and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Programme of the Canary Islands.

Andalusian Maritime-Marine Cluster (CMMA)

The sea plays a prominent role in the economy of both the Andalusian region and the country. Aware of the importance and strategic nature of the sea sector, the Andalusian Maritime-Marine Cluster (CMMA) was created with the aim of promoting and promoting the Andalusian maritime sector, as well as defending its interests and developing the creation of an adequate legal framework for the development of this industry in Andalusia, Spain and the rest of the world.

Thus, the CMMA is made up of innovative companies from different maritime subsectors with high technological qualification such as fishing, aquaculture, shipbuilding, maritime transport, recreational boating, maritime research and training, ports and port activities, maritime extraction industries, maritime tourism and underwater archeology.

Mersey Maritime (UK)

Mersey Maritime was established in 2003 to represent and act on behalf of the 1700 maritime-related companies across the Liverpool City Region. With over 200 members, we are considered to be an excellent example of a regional maritime cluster. We organise a range of monthly networking and training events and deliver forums for our members to shape the future of the maritime sector. We are the hosts of the hugely successful Mersey Maritime Industry Awards (MMIA), which in 2017 brought together over 400 guests to celebrate the success of the maritime, logistics and energy sectors in the Liverpool City Region. The MMIA's will turn 5 in 2019, and we have set our sights on turning this into a national event, accepting applications from across the UK! Our Board is made up of industry leaders, including representatives from ACL, Bibby Line, Peel Ports Group, Liverpool John Moores Univerity and Wirral Borough Council, (to name a few). John Hulmes, Chairman of Mersey Maritime is also Vice Chair of Maritime UK, and Chris Shirling-Rooke, CEO of Mersey Maritime is also Chair of the UK Regional Clusters Board at Maritime UK.

MSE International (UK)

Marine South East (MSE) International has strong experience in successfully bidding for and delivering large collaborative projects with public and private sector funding. MSE has access to a wide range of expert personnel across a number of disciplines with expertise in project management, technology transfer, supply chain mapping, funding applications, event management, PR and training. The MSE core team are knowledgeable, trusted, professional and passionate about the work they carry out. MSE is located in the leading maritime Solent region of the UK. MSE aims to stimulate investment by private and public sectors in key areas of 'Blue Growth' such as maritime logistics, marine energy, maritime surveillance and the management of ocean resources. Since becoming financially self-sufficient in 2010, MSE has successfully built up its project portfolio and international profile within Europe and North America. MSE is internationally recognised as a marine cluster and actively participates within the global Blue Tech Cluster Alliance and European Cluster Collaboration Platform.

Cornwall Marine Network (UK)

CMN was formed by a group of Cornwall marine business leaders in 2002. CMN was established as a not-for-profit private company, limited by guarantee and so it is owned by our 300+ member businesses. This structure provides the ethos and integrity of the CMN model, we exist to help our members make more money, rather than make money from our members. Any trading surpluses are reinvested back into benefits for our members. The more members we have, the stronger the evidence of demand to influence our bids for project funds, meaning the more money we can win to provide services and support to you. Working together, the CMN model works and keeps growing.

Marine Institute (Ireland)

The Marine Institute is the State agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. The Marine Institute carry out environmental, fisheries, and aquaculture surveys and monitoring programmes to meet Ireland’s national and international legal requirements. It provide scientific and technical advice to Government to help inform policy and to support the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resource. M.I. aim to safeguard Ireland’s unique marine heritage through research and environmental monitoring. Their research, strategic funding programmes, and national marine research platforms support the development of Ireland’s maritime economy.

Asia & Middle East


Nordic Hub India

Nordic Hub India mission is to connect bold Nordic startups with vast opportunities in India. They connects startups, incubators/accelerators, innovation hubs, government, organizations, investors and industry. Their members are based in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and India.

Hong Kong


MakerBay is Hong Kong’s first full-scale MakerSpace located in Central at PMQ and in Yau Tong that empowers artists, designers, engineers, and scientists to work together on meaningful creative projects with social and environmental impact.

International Cluster Alliances

BlueTech Cluster Alliance

Work together in areas where members of participating clusters can share information, collaborate on research and development initiatives, and jointly pursue business development opportunities.

After several years of coordination, the BlueTech Cluster Alliance (BTCA) launched in January 2017 with seven charter members including Forum Oceano (Portugal), Marine Institute (Ireland), OceansAdvance (Canada), PLOCAN (Spain), Pole Mer Mediterranee (France), TMA BlueTech (formerly The Maritime Alliance) (US) and the UK Blue Growth Network (UK). BTCA now includes ten clusters from eight countries after GCE Ocean Technology (Norway) joined in 2018.

European Network of Maritime Clusters (ENMC)

The European Network of Maritime Clusters was established in 2005 as a platform for the exchange of information, and networking between the maritime cluster organizations of European member states. Since its foundation, the ENMC main principle is to establish an efficient framework for maritime sectorial cooperation, focused on vocalizing the unambiguous maritime interest to European policy makers towards a European maritime level playing field; a single European Maritime Cluster. The central goal of ENMC is thus to become an European Maritime Cluster as direct partner to the European Commission in all maritime affairs. Works under the objective to promote and reinforce the European maritime sector and the maritime economy as a whole

WestMED Blue Economy Initiative (Italy/Mediterranean)

Your portal to a Sustainable Blue Economy in the western Mediterranean. The WestMED initiative is the result of years of dialogue between ten countries in the western Mediterranean region involved in the ‘5+5 Dialogue’: five EU Member States (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Malta), and five Southern partner countries (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia). These countries are ready and willing to work together on their shared interests for the region: to increase maritime safety and security, promote sustainable blue growth and jobs, and preserve ecosystems and biodiversity.

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