TOOL Spawn in TOOL Benefits & News • 8 mo. ago
TOOL Community: Innovators´ Events during Nor-Shipping week 5 - 8 June!
Welcome to Oslo!
Read more about each day & program below, and sign up on Spawn to get all details.
Remember to RSVP on each event you would like to attend - and our innovators even have prepared prizes drawn among fellow participants! (Sign-in required - links below)
New to Oslo & Nor-Shipping?
Let us help you maximize your visit, while we host a week-long hangout for the ocean innovators´ community
Check out TOOL Explore: Innovators´ Insider Guide to Oslo for our personal tips on eat, sleep & activities!
Get in touch for Table Reservations & Partner Packages!
RSVP: Female Founders & Owners Night (5 June)
RSVP: TOOL Community Night: Innovators (6 June)
RSVP: Zero Emission Owners & Innovators (7 June)
RSVP: Young@Nor-Shipping
Contact YoungShip for guestlist
RSVP: Community Night - True Zero Sundowner
TOOL Community Night: Global Talents (8 June)
This evening is dedicated for the next generation, universities & employers looking for talents. Find your future employer or employee - and have fun with our curated matchmaking!
Community Partners
Equality & Diversity Partners
A warm welcome to old & new friends!!
We can´t wait to see you in Oslo!
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